Solution of Assignment No. 3 Object Oriented DBMS – CS713

Solution of Assignment No. 3
Object Oriented DBMS – CS713
Muhammad Mustafa - MS120400114

Question No.1                                                               (15 Marks)
Discuss the important considerations for Object Definition Language (ODL). Elaborate the Object Interchange Format (OIF) with Examples.

Important Considerations for Object Definition Language (ODL):
·         ODL should not be dependent on programming languages.
·         ODL should not be a full fledge programming language. ODL should define the objects only and not the manipulating techniques should be there in ODL.
·         ODL should also be compatible with Interface Definition Language (IDL) given by OMG
·         ODL should be extendible and practical. If it is required to add some more functionality by other groups, ODL should allow it. And then it should be able to be used in practical.
·         Just like in other DBMSs the Data Definition Language is provided, ODL is meant to serve the same purpose.
·         ODL only defines the signatures of the object structures. Implementation is left to be carried out by other language.
·         It is not a manipulation language. It only provides the APIs for different programming languages.

Object Interchange Format (OIF):
·         It is a specification language that provides us a mechanism how to dump the state of ODMS to a set of files and how to load them from the same files afterwards
·         It should provide the facility to support all the states of ODMS
·         OIF characterize the states of ODMS using object identifiers, type bindings, attribute values, and link to other files.
·         For Example:
o   mustafa Employee{};
In this example an instance of an employee is created. System will assign it an identifier automatically, and a tag ‘mustafa’ has also been assigned. Later we can access the object with tag ‘mustafa’. Here the object is uninitialized.
o   Interface Employee{
attribute           string name;
attribute           unsigned short age;

Now using this definition we can create objects in many ways as followings:
-          ali Employee{ “ali”, 25}
-          ali Employee{name “ali”, age 25}
-          ali Employee{age 25, name “ali”}

Question No.2                                                                                  (20 Marks)
 Classify the basic guiding principles in C++ binding in ODL/OML. How many kinds of structured literals are supported to C++ ODL? Discuss with examples. How many operations are generally considered in it?

Guiding principles in C++ binding in ODL/OML have the following two classifications:
·         C++ syntax for working with persistent objects in ODMS should be no different than the C++ syntax for working with transient objects in a general C++ programming language.
·         The data types available in ODMS should be similar to those used in general C++ programming language.

Following five types of structured literals are supported to C++ ODL:
·         d_String
String can be created. String can be appended by another string. String length can be calculated. String can be searched.
·         d_Interval
It is time duration between two time points. Interval can be created. Another interval can be added or subtracted from the existing interval. Interval can be shifted to forward or backward
·         d_Date
Date can be created. Days can be counted of the year from current date. Days can be added or subtracted from the data.
·         d_Time
This is a point of time. Time can be created. Seconds, minutes, hours, days etc can be added or subtracted from the current time.
·         d_TimeStamp
·         Time and data of any event can be created and referred to as time stamp.

Following four type of operation are generally considered in OML.
·         Objects can be created
e.g. d_Ref<Schedule> schedule1 = new Schedule;
·         Created objects can be deleted
e.g. schedule.delete_object()
·         Objects can be modified
Modification is made within the methods and once a modification is made it is notified as committed as obj_ref->mark_modified()

Question No.3                                                                                  (Marks 15)   
Discourse the Object Oriented composition of Oracle. Differentiate between Existence Dependent Aggregation and Existence Independent Aggregation with their examples.

OO Composition of Oracle:
Nested tables are used to keep the composition relationship between objects and referential integrity is used.

Existence Dependent Aggregation:
It is a type of aggregation in which when a containing object is deleted, all the contained objects are also deleted.
For the implementation of this type of aggregation the ID of containing object is also added in the contained objects. So when the containing object is deleted the contained objects are also deleted.

Non-Existence Dependent Aggregation:
It is a type of aggregation in which when a containing object is deleted, the contained objects are not deleted.
For the implementation of this type of aggregation a new aggregation table is introduced and the ID of containing object and contained objects are kept in the aggregate table. So when the containing object is deleted the contained objects are not deleted.

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