Solution of Assignment No. 4 Object Oriented DBMS – CS713

Solution of Assignment No. 4
Object Oriented DBMS – CS713
Muhammad Mustafa - MS120400114

Question No.1                                                               (15 Marks)
How partition inheritance can be implemented using relational approach? Give an example of hierarchy for partition inheritance. How it can be implemented using object oriented features in Oracle.
Implementation of partition inheritance using relational approach:
It is much similar to the mutual-exclusion inheritance with few differences as followings:
·         A super class is created with an attribute showing the type.
·         The type attribute must have one and only one of the subclass types.
·         The type attribute is not allowed to have null value.
·         The object is not allowed to be only of the super class type.

Example of hierarchy for partition inheritance:
Suppose that there are three posts in a company; data entry operator, data analyst, and administrator. All posts have some different attributes. All posts have a common attribute. The common attribute will be included in super class and the super class will have and attribute showing the type of post with three type options. This attribute is not allowed to be null. Now the sub classes would be data entry operator, data analyst, and administrator. It will be compulsory for a new object to have the common attribute from super class and other relevant attributes from one and only one of the tree sub classes.

Implementation using object oriented features in Oracle:
·         A super class type is created
·         A table is created from super class having a additional attribute
·         One type is also created for each of the sub class
·         The table for sub class is not created
·         The additional attribute of the table created from super class can contain only one type out of the three sub class types.
·         The Under keyword is used
·         The null is removed from the additional attribute as opposite to the mutual-exclusion inheritance

Question No.2                                                               (15 Marks)
Elaborate the Objectivity/C++ Programming Interface (PI). Categorize the classes for storage object in O/DB C++ PI. Discuss the concept of handles in Objectivity/C++?

Elaboration of Objectivity/C++ PI:
It provides sessions and connections objects.
It helps in developing application and the interaction between O/DB and application.
It has global classes and objects in the DDL.
Class ooObjy gives the static methods for interactions.
Object iterators are used to traverse the collections.
It provides exception classes for error handling.
There are two process involved in it. These are:
·         Federated DB services: It takes the data used in the application as a federated database. The processes used become the part of the application. In this way the application becomes efficient in processing.
·         Lock Server: Lock server resides on federated databases. It does not become the part of the application. Concurrent accesses happen on a database, and lock sever provides the concurrency control mechanism.
The other part involves transaction:
·         Transaction is a part of the application where data accesses are made to the databases. Transactions are not themselves the applications. Transaction manages all processes that manage data.
·         A transaction has a begin and an end. The transaction updates data temporarily unless the commit command is received.
·         There is a check pointing concept in transaction. During a transaction execution when a checkpoint appears the data is stored to the database. Same is done for several checkpoints that appear during a transaction. If a transaction is decided to be aborted all the data saved into the database by checkpoints is undone.
·         The ACID properties are also supported

Categorization of classes for storage objects in O/DB C++ PI:
 There are two categories persistent and storage:

·         Basic Objects: these are the object used in the application for storing data defined by the user and supported by the O/DB tools
·         Containers: these use the cluster and groups the objects for getting efficiency in processing. The unit of locking is also used. It means the same type of container will be provide to the application and data as the type of operation is being applied to the data. The level of the locking is container. The level may also be to the containing object but the cost of processing will increase.
·         Database: it is implemented in case of a physically file. It keeps the application containers and system containers. All the containers in a database will be physically present in one database and not distributed among different database of different locations. However, the databases may be on different locations.
·         Federated DB: it has the system and application databases. It also contains a system DB that keeps the global catalog and schema. The schema do not dependant on any language. The FDB will be created by using any tools.

Concept of Handles in Objectivity/C++:
Handles are used to refer O/DB objects by O/C++ applications. They are used to access the member functions as well. Handles are used to store the states of memory management. Open handle contains in memory OID and closed pointers contain on disk based OID.

Question No.3                                                               (15 Marks)
Elaborate the session usage models with the help of diagrams in
(i) One thread multiple session
(ii) Multiple threads, each with its own session
(iii) Multiple Threads sharing a session

(i) One thread, multiple sessions:
A thread is created in application area. The thread has multiple sessions and session has transactions in them. A thread has only one session at a time out of multiple sessions. All other sessions are detached from the thread and only one session is attached to the thread. The attached session becomes the current session.

(ii) Multiple threads, each with its own session:
Here the main thread is created. And then other threads are created during the main thread. A separate session is created for each of the thread and inside the corresponding threads. When the session is completed for the non-main threads they are closed with terminate thread commands. But when the main thread completes its session it is closed the shutdown command.

(iii) Multiple threads, sharing a session:
A main thread is created in the application area. A session is created. A thread is created the session is attached to the thread. After a time the session is detached from the thread and the thread is terminated. A new thread is created. The same session is attached to the new thread. The session executes. After a time the session is again detached. The new thread is terminated. The same process continues. At the last the session is attached to the main thread. When the session completes the main thread is shutdown.

Question No.4                                                               (5 Marks)
Discuss the concept of Memory Management in Object Oriented Distributed Database Management Systems (OODDBMS).

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