A language B is NL-complete if
1. B є NL, and
2. every A in NL is log space reducible to B.
We know that PATH is NL-Complete. So we will construct a log space reduction from Strongly-connected to PATH. i.e
Let say NTM M decides STRONGLY-CONNECTED in O(logn) space. Functionality of M is as under
The nodes of G are the configurations of M on w.
For configuration c1 and c2 of M on w , (c1,c2) are the edges if c2 is the next possible configuration of M starting from c1.
Node s is the start configuration of M on w.
If machine reaches configuration t then accept.
Now to show that this operation has been performed in logarithmic time, we introduce a log space transducer from <G,s,t> on input w. We describe G by listing its nodes and edges. Listing of nodes is easy because each node is configuration of M on w and can be represented in clogn space for some constant c. The transducer possibally goes through all possible strings of length clogn.

Q:        Pallindrome
M1 = “On input string w:
1. Scan across the tape and look for 0s and 1s
2. Count number of 0s separately
3. Count number of 1s separately
4. compare both the counters if both are equal accept, otherwise reject

the machine countsthe number of 0s and, separately, the number of 1s in binary on the work tape.The only space required is that used to record the two counters. In binary, eachcounter uses only logarithmic space and hence the algorithm runs in O(log n)space. Therefore, A є L.

Q: Mult-SAT


Q: Clique reducibility to Half-clique

We give a polynomial time mapping reduction from CLIQUE to HALF-CLIQUE.
The input to the reduction is a pair (G, k) and the reduction produces the graph
(H)as output where H is as follows. If G has m nodes and k = m/2, then H =G.
If k < m/2, then H is the graph obtained from G by adding j nodes, each connected
to every one of the original nodes and to each other, where j = m − 2k.
Thus, H has m + j = 2m − 2k nodes. Observe that G has a k-clique iff H has a
clique of size k + j = m − k, and so hG, ki 2CLIQUE iff hHi2HALF-CLIQUE.
If k > m/2, then H is the graph obtained by adding j nodes to G without any
additional edges, where j = 2k − m. Thus, H has m + j = 2k nodes, and so
G has a k-clique iff H has a clique of size k. Therefore, hG, ki 2 CLIQUE iff
hHi2HALF-CLIQUE. We also need to show HALF-CLIQUE 2NP. The certificate
is simply the clique.


In this question replace 1 with #....

LPATH and UHMPATH question.

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