Mid term and Final term Exam VU MSCS

DataBase Specialization
Mine 2day CS701 Final Term Paper Total 5 Questions and each are of 15 Nos.
Q1. A directed Graph is STRONGLY-CONNECTED of every tow nodes are connected by a directed graph in each direction. Let STRONGLY-CONNECTED = {<G>|G is strongly connected graph}. Show that STRONGLY-CONNECTED is NP-Complete.
Q2. Let PAL-ADD = {x,y>0, are binary integers whose x+y is an integer is a Palindrome}. Show PAL-ADD ε LSPACE.
Q3. Let TRUE-SAT; given Boolean expression E that is true when all the variables are made true, is there some other truth assignment besides all true that make E true. Show that TURE-SAT is NP complete by reducing SAT to it.
Q4. Let A = {<M,x,#t>|NTM, M accepts input x within t steps on at least one brach}. Showt hat A is NP Completeness.
Q5. Let G represent and undirected graph. Also let LPATH = {<G,a,b,k>|G contains a simple path of length k for a to b>}. Show that LPATH is NP complete. You may assume that NP completeness of UHAMPTH the HAMPATH problem of undirected graph.
CS712 Assignment no 4
Question 1 (25 marks)
What is big data? Give at least three current research directions in the area (each with at least five lines’ description). Write in your own words.
ka ye question kis chapter se hai

CS713 Paper Today at 0200pm
Mutual Exclusive Partition
union partition
memory managment objectivity /c++
object reference (the only 5 marks repeated from Maryam )
Association of PCC classes, directions, copying, versioning
Transaction managment of OODDBMS *lec 44-45
components of PCC class of Objectivity / C++
Final term papers:
my cs 702 paper today 2:00 pm
1. SAT is NP complete.
2. Prim`s algorithm application
3.if X is problem such that P` <= p X for some P => NP. then X is NPHard
4. huffman (C)
5. prove that any two sparce trees have same number of edges
6.encryption of STOP RSA cryptosystem
baki gcd k 3 questions thy
cs701 k sipser ki book k 8.22 ka answer pata hai kisi ko ?
Cs 713 paper 25 march 2:00 pm
1.Discuss the transaction model in ODMG?
2. Define partition inheritance in oracle?
3.concept of object reference in objectivity/c++
4. How define persistence Capable Class with example.
5.How embeded class type are defined in objectivity/c++
6. Enlist the possible steps to implement partition DDL?
7.how many steps are involved in abortiy transaction

Let ADD = {<x, y, z> | x, y, z >0 are binary integers and x + y =z}. Show that ADD ϵ LSPACE.
2. Let PAL-ADD = {<x, y> | x, y >0 are binary integers where x + y is an integer whose binary representation is palindrome}. Show that PAL-ADD ϵ LSPACE.
koi in question k solution bta dy.......
My paper CS706
1. What are the guidelines for developing test plan? (5)
2. What are some observations about testers? (5)
3. Briefly explain the “Introduction” section of the IEEE SCM plan? (5)
4. What are the benefits of software metrics? (5)
5. Briefly explain White Box Testing and also name various white box testing techniques? (10)
6. Briefly explain the black box testing technique “Equivalence partitioning”? (10)
7. Briefly explain following real world consideration for SCM?(10)
(i) Establishment of CCB
(ii) SCM during acceptance testing cycle.
8. Briefly explain the CMM level 3 and level 4? (10)
9. Briefly explain quality metric function point? (10)
My paper cs702
Total 10 questions
1 of 15 marks
3 of 10 marks
6 of 5 marks
1.Write steps for greedy algorithms
2.Find an explicit formula to compute number of edges in complete graph on n vertices.
3.prove that any two spanning trees have same no of edges
4.floyad warshal algorithm
5.dencrypt 0981 0461 using RSA cryptsystem. Values of ...... same in slides
6.Write algorithm for string matching
7.prim's algorithm of MST
8. If a > b > = 1 and the invocation EUCLID(a, b) takes k > = 1 recursive calls, then a = Fk+2 and b = Fk+1.
9. Prove that 3-CNF-SAT is NP complete
10. If X is problem such that P‘ reducible to X for some P'reducible to NPC, then X is NP-hard. Moreover, X belongs to NP so X belongs to NPC. lecture 44 lemma 3

today 28/03/2015 mine paper for advance algorithm
1.define step for designing greedy algorithm
2.Write down prim’s algorithm?
3. Write pseudo Shortest Path (dag) algorithm?
4. Write pseudo all pair shortest path
7.The square of an odd integer is of the form 8m + 1 for some integer m. from LECTURE N0 39
8.Encrypt message STOP using RSA cryptosystem with p = 43, q = 59 and e = 13, n = pq = 2537, from lecture 41
9. If X is problem such that P‘≤ p X for some P'NPC, then X is NP-hard. Moreover, X NP→X NPC. from lecture no 44.
last question yaad nh hi
CS709_final Term_28 March 2.00 PM
5 Questions = 15 marks each
1. Draw Petri net for 4 processes in Concurrent OS. Each process needs some resources like cd rom, printer, etc. Table for Needed Resources was given
2. Algebraic Specs of Stack
3. Algeb Specs was given for UnitEnrolment system of college and different variables to be explained in Plain English
4. Develop Specs for Car Rental System.
5. Explaination of 2 points from the 7 myths of Formal Methods from lecture 45.
Mine cs702 paper today ....
1-for what problems greedy algorithm not suitable. 5
2-Argue that assigning the value to vertice u is independent of the order of vertices in adjacency list of BFS. 5
3. Algo Dijsktra 5
4. a|b and b|a then prove a=+_b 5
5. Prove that square of odd integer is in form 8m+1 10
6. Circuit sat is np hard 5
7. If X is problem such that P is in NPC then X is NP hard ........15.
8. Front Fourier recursive algo 10
9. naive string matcher algorithm 5
10. Solution to knapsack problem using backtracking have to show all steps. 10
701 Paper on 26-03-2015
1.prove cycle- length problem is NL complete
2. winning startegy (q 8.3 )
3. TRUE-SAT is NP complete
4.If P=NP then prove that MIN-Formula is in P. Min Formula is shortest length boolean formula
5. LPATH is NL Complete using Undirected Hamiltonian PATH
CS 702......Friends is ka solution unit 44 mai just 21 no slide hi hai ya kuch aur b...plz i know its stupid question but mind is off rite now....plz guide me
If X is problem such that P‘≤ p X for some P'NPC, then X is NP-hard. Moreover, X NP→X NPC.
CS702 Paper_25 march 2015
1. Why we use dynamic programming? Give limitations.....5 marks
2. psuodo code for johnson's algo....5 marks
3. How to print path in BFS Algo...5 marks.
4. Psoudo code of Prims algo....10 marks.
5. Prove that for a problem X and P' such that P' <p NPC , X is NP hard. ...10 marks
6. Extend Shortest Path Algo.....5 marks.
7. Prove that SAT is NP Complete....10 marks
8. show that Circuit SAT is NP Hard or "NPC"....15 marks.
itna hi yad aa raha hai filwqt.
Total no of Qs = 10
6 or 7 Qs = 5 marks
1 Q = 15 marks
2 Q = 10 marks
CS718 25 March at 2:00 PM
1- What are the critical issues in mesh network?
2- What is ZigBee Protocol? Explain the diagram of routing in zigbee?
3- Bluetooth core specification and profile specification?
4- what is Piconet? it support minimum number of devices?
5- Why TCP protocol is not suited for WSN?
6 Which protocol is used in WMSN?
Any one has answer of the following
1. Let ADD = {<x, y, z> | x, y, z >0 are binary integers and x + y =z}. Show that ADD ϵ LSPACE.
2. Let PAL-ADD = {<x, y> | x, y >0 are binary integers where x + y is an integer whose binary representation is palindrome}. Show that PAL-ADD ϵ LSPACE.
3- Let NEAR-TAUT: E is a boolean expression having when at most one true make it false. Show that complement of NEAR-TAUT is in NP-Complete using reduction it to SAT.
4- Let NEAR TAUT; given Boolean expression E all the variables are made f, is there some other truth assignment besides all f that make E true. Show that NEAR TAUT is NP complete by reducing SAT to it.

CS710 Paper
Q1 development tools and utilities for iOS
Q2 Layers of iOS Architecture
Q3 Cross layer services by Core services layer of iOS
Q4 Differentiate intents and broadcast receivers
Q5 What are widgets? how helped in power management? how are updated?
Q6 Why Microsoft imposed min hardware requirement for WP7?
Q7 Building blocks of Android application.
Q8 How efficient code writing for Blackberry application?
Q9 What are extra features of WP7.1 which are NOT in WP7?
Q10 What is the idea of sensors in mobile platform?
Now Please Please Please share CS713.

Mine CS701 paper:
1.prove cycle- length problem is NL complete
2. winning startegy (q 8.3 )
3. prove Multi SAT is NP complete (assignment q :()
4. show taht directed hymoltonian cycle is NP complete.
5. show that half clique is NP-complete
q.1 describe BBT "Boundary Valu Analysis" technique 5marks q.2 eavluation criteria for test tools 5marks q.3 "reviews and audit " section of IEEE SQAP 5marks q.4 define test effectiveness, defect by phase metrics 5marks q.5 what are questions about testing techniques, testing activities and management 10 marks q.6 what is unit testing 10 marks q.7 describe functions of SCM 10 marks q.8 describe procedure to creat the configuarartion management system 10 marks q.9 define mean time to failure, defect density, defect by severity metrics 10 marks

CS 701
25-03-2015 2:00PM
1. Let CNFk = {<ᵩ> | ᵩ is satisfiable cnf-formula where each variable appears in at most k places}. Show that CNF3 is NP-Complete.
2. A subset of nodes of a graph is a dominating set if every other node of G is adjacent to some node in the subset. Let DOMINATING-SET={<G, k> | G has a dominating set with k nodes}. Show that it is NP-Complete by giving a reduction from VERTEX-COVER.
3. Let ADD = {<x, y, z> | x, y, z >0 are binary integers and x + y =z}. Show that ADD ϵ LSPACE.
4. Let PAL-ADD = {<x, y> | x, y >0 are binary integers where x + y is an integer whose binary representation is palindrome}. Show that PAL-ADD ϵ LSPACE.
5. Let NEAR-TAUT: E is a boolean expression having when at most one true make it false. Show that complement of NEAT-TAUT is in NP-Complete using reduction it to SAT.

to day mine paper cs701 theory of computation
1. 3color<p NP complete
2. strongly connected component belongs to LSPACE
3rd aur 4th yaad nh hi
5 ka image dia hi
2pm today's cs706 paper
1. Black box testing
2. White box testing and approaches
3. Attributes of Software Quality
4. Equivalence Partitioning
5. SCM Function Status Accounting/Reporting
6. SCM Staffing
7. Lecture # 38 full( Project Tracking, Estimation, Effective Communication, Steering Committee, Project Risks)
8. Problem complexity , Algorithmic complexity ,Structural complexity ,Cognitive complexity
9. Question matrics main say tha yad ni a rha
10. MCQ 10 question thay balck box,white box,test plane mean user kitni testing kerta hai 31%
cs 706 paper
1. explain mean time to failure, defect density , defects by severity
2. process of creating configuration management system
3. when to stop testing? explain criteria for completion of testing
4. explain integration testing
5 attributes of good tests
6. explain metric defect arrival rate
7. best change control practices for outsourced software
8. explain SCM function status accounting/ reporting
characteristics of bugs/defects
Mine 2day CS701 Final Term Paper Total 5 Questions and each are of 15 Nos.
Q1. A directed Graph is STRONGLY-CONNECTED of every tow nodes are connected by a directed graph in each direction. Let STRONGLY-CONNECTED = {<G>|G is strongly connected graph}. Show that STRONGLY-CONNECTED is NP-Complete.
Q2. Let PAL-ADD = {x,y>0, are binary integers whose x+y is an integer is a Palindrome}. Show PAL-ADD ε LSPACE.
Q3. Let TRUE-SAT; given Boolean expression E that is true when all the variables are made true, is there some other truth assignment besides all true that make E true. Show that TURE-SAT is NP complete by reducing SAT to it.
Q4. Let A = {<M,x,#t>|NTM, M accepts input x within t steps on at least one brach}. Showt hat A is NP Completeness.
Q5. Let G represent and undirected graph. Also let LPATH = {<G,a,b,k>|G contains a simple path of length k for a to b>}. Show that LPATH is NP complete. You may assume that NP completeness of UHAMPTH the HAMPATH problem of undirected graph.

Presentation of CS706 (Software Quality Assurance) Course
For the presentation activity, students are required to record their presentations and upload it on VULMS. MS PowerPoint allows to record audio and embed it in a PPT file. Therefore, each student is required to prepare PPTs for his/her presentation and then record his/her voice presentation within the PPT file. Following are the guidelines in this regard:
1. Prepare presentation slides related to your academic research paper.
2. There must not be more than 20 slides in your PPT file.
3. First slide should contain student-ID, student-name, topic and course-name.
4. Your presentation should describe the problem statement, methodology and conclusion.
5. Record your presentation using voice recorder of the Microsoft power point.
6. The total time for recording should not exceed 10 minutes.
7. Save your presentation slides in .ppt or .pptx format and submit on VULMS interface opened for this purpose.
8. Double check your file before submission. If your voice is not recorded or submitted file is corrupt then you will receive zero marks.
9. Students writing academic paper in group should submit presentation individually with their own voice recording.
10. A guideline on how to record your presentation is uploaded in the assignment package for presentation assignment.
Submit your presentation on VULMS interface till March 05, 2015. Please note that no file will be accepted via email.

People who appeared in cs702. Please throw a light on the following questions
1- Algorithm for dynamic programming was asked or even there was also a problem to be solved ?
2- Algorithm for n-line assembly or problem as well ?
3- Algorithm for 2-line assembly or problem as well ?
4- Algorithm for 2-dimension point or assembly as well ?
mujy tu lag rha hey damagh ke dahi bany gi paper me
CS709 paper...samajh se bala.tar marks division...
6 questions ......5 marks each
3 questions.......15 marks each
......and these 3 questions consisting programs and to find pre and post conditions for different functions.....mindless paper setting I must say..
CS710 ka todays 230 paper
android power management 5
Windows phone 7 ki lanch 5 marks
Andriod DVM 10
Andriod Binder ICP 10
aur portability kion important hai desktop ki nisbat mobile main 10 marks
desktop aur mobile OS main kia difference hota hai 10 marks
linux kernal Andriod ka kion part nhin banaya gia as it is changing kion kerni pathi thi 10 marks
disconeted apps pervasive envionment main kesy kam kerti hain 10 marks
andriod architecture complete over view 15 marks

My today paper
Q1 one to one function k bary men tha......
Q2 Batana tha k relative prime hain ya nai 1274 and 10505....
Q3 LALL={<M>/ M is a TM with input alphabet ∑ and L(M)=∑*}
Q4 T={(I,j,k)|I, j , k belong to N} show T is counable.
Q5 PATH ={<G,s,t,k> | G is undirected graph, path between s& t is k }
show krna tha k path class P ko belong krta hy
Q.6. Decidable function k bary men tha...
Q.7 verify kerna tha k p class belong kerti ha G graph sy...
dear fellows
702 ka questn jo most of papers ma aya hy
Let N be a set of natural numbers. The symbols, < (less than), ≤ (less than or equal) and = (equal) are relations over N. Prove or disprove the following.
1. < is reflexive, symmetric and transitive
2. ≤ is reflexive, symmetric and transitive
3. = is reflexive, symmetric and transitive
1. < is reflexive, symmetric and transitive?
A binary relation R on a set A is said to be reflexive if (x, x) Є R, for all x Є A.
‘<’ Relationship is not reflexive.
x < x is not possible.
A relation R between the elements in a universal set is called symmetric when x R y always implies y R x; in other words, when R is symmetric it does not matter whether x is written first or y is written first in the expression x R y.
‘<’ Relationship is not symmetric.
If x < y then y < x is not possible.
A relation R between the elements in a universal set is called transitive when x R y and y R z always imply x R z.
‘<’ is transitive.
If x < y and y < z; then x < z is true.

2. ≤ is reflexive, symmetric and transitive?
A binary relation R on a set A is said to be reflexive if (x, x) Є R, for all x Є A.
‘≤’ Relationship is reflexive.
x ≤ x is true.
A relation R between the elements in a universal set is called symmetric when x R y always implies y R x; in other words, when R is symmetric it does not matter whether x is written first or y is written first in the expression x R y.
‘≤’ Relationship is not symmetric.
If x ≤ y then y ≤ x is not possible for x < y.
A relation R between the elements in a universal set is called transitive when x R y and y R z always imply x R z.
‘≤’ Relationship is transitive.
If x ≤ y and y ≤ z; then x ≤ z is true.
3. = is reflexive, symmetric and transitive
A binary relation R on a set A is said to be reflexive if (x, x) Є R, for all x Є A.
‘=’ Relationship is reflexive.
x = x is true.

A relation R between the elements in a universal set is called symmetric when x R y always implies y R x; in other words, when R is symmetric it does not matter whether x is written first or y is written first in the expression x R y.
‘=’ Relationship is symmetric.
If x = y then y = x is true.
A relation R between the elements in a universal set is called transitive when x R y and y R z always imply x R z.
‘=’is transitive.
If x = y and y = z then x = z is true.
Today is my CS710 paper.
27th-Jan||| 2:30 PM
Q1-What is OAP.exe & its functions
Q2-Constraints of Mobile Computing.
Q3-How Run Time power management works in android?
Q4-What are the factors/issue in context aware application?
Q5-How would be able to interpret the run time walk through of android?

Cs712 time 3 hours
Write ways of user access data from ddbms?
What is meant by complete and minimal predicates?
Describe software component of replication?
How we remove transitive dependency?
Describe component of ddbms?
Define autonomy and its type?
rest 3 question are related about affinity matrix...........
CS_701 Paper
There were 10 MCQs 10 Marks
A Turing machine with stay put instead of left is similar to an ordinary Turing machine, but at each
Point the machine can move its head right or let it stay in the same position. Show that this Turing machine variant is not equivalent to the usual version. What class of languages do these machines recognize? 15 Marks (PROBLEM 3.13 of Sipser book)
PATH ={< G,s, t>) I G is a directed graph that has a directed path from s to t}. Prove that PATH P.
15 Marks (Theorem 7.14 of Sipser book)
In the silly Post Correspondence Problem, SPCP, in each pair the top string has the same length as the bottom string. Show that the SPCP is decidable. 10 Marks (PROBLEM 5.15 of Sipser book)
The collection of provable statements in Th(N,+,x) is Turing-recognizable. 10 Marks (Theorem 6.15 of Sipser book)
Q13 Let MORE= {<A,B>} the language of A is larger than B. Prove that A or B is decideable. Consider either case. 10 Marks (Note : Wording of this question is not 100%)
Q12 Find a match.
05 Marks
Q11 Consider the following pairs of numbers. Show that they are relatively prime or not.
64 and 32965 05 Marks

cs 712 2:30
75 total marks
5x 6 questions=30marks
10x 3 questions=30marks
15x 1 questions=15 markS
No. MCQs
cs702 paper
1:write algo of 0-1 knapsack problem by brute force.
2:write algo knapsack problem by dynammic programming.
3:algorithm of 2-dimension points.
4:write algoritm 2-line assembly language.
5:algorithm n-line assembly language
6:N be a set of natural number < or = over relation prove or disprove ,symmetric ,transitive ,reflexive
CS713 : No question repeated in my paper
FDM query language k feature and advantage
OMDG me sy Specification and implementation
three types of client / server architecture
attribute and composite attibute
atomic and complex objects
Best of luck ya to ye karo k ye aur file me jo questions hen un k elawa sary kar lo paper good hy hjay
cs712 paper
koi mcq nhi tha
10 question thy kch 5 marks kch 10 marks or 1 15 marks ka tha.
Q1: global schema ki importance in DDBS
Q2: ruls for correctness.
Q3: kia fragments DDBMS ki sementic ko change krti hy.
Q4: VF Ki completness and reconstruction.
Q5: table tha usy 2nd normal form mai likhna tha
Q6: emp ky table ki PHF krni thi Location wise
Q7: usage metrix bnana tha
Q8: Affinity matrix bnana tha
Q 9: affinity matrix k sath CA bnana tha
cs701 paper
total 80 marks ,
17 Questions thy:
10 mcq
2 Q 15'15 marks k
3 Q 10'10 marks k
1 Q 5 kaa
make PCP domino:
directed raph ko proof krna tha k p class ha ?
prime numbers ki relivity prove krni thi
spcp ko prove krna tha k decidable ha
All MSCS come to share their solution

Today was my CS706 software quality assurance paper:
10 mcqs
long q 7 (10 marks)
1. code of conduct of moderator
2. ETVX model for rework , 3. discuss design faults
4. coupling and its types 5. qualities of SRS document 6. discuss defect detection types 7. last q yad ni a rha (99 % paper was from slides).

703 Question.
total 7 questions.
Q1. 20 MCqs, windows, linux, and os related smile emoticon
Q2. Microkernals.
if it improves performance
advantages, disadvantages.
Q3. we have 3 processes, and 4 resources , each process can have at most 2 resources, show there is no deadlock.
Q4. FCFS, SRT, Priority q, and RR, resonse time, waiting time, avge waiging and Gantt Chart
q5. RR , having two pointer to its PCB in ready que.
how is it different from normal RR, how you do it without pointers, what is the effect of this on the processes
q6. bounded-buffere embedded in monitor, write pseudo code
q7. forgot
if we want to store info into memory from register then location will be on left side or right........
STORE R4,U.......
What does it means?

CS703, A2, Q3, Plz confirm the answers
Response Time
P1 = 0, P2 = 3, P3 = 9, P4 = 16, P5 = 21
Waiting Time
P1 = 0, P2 = 3, P3 = 9, P4 = 16, P5 = 21
Turnaround Time
P1 = 5, P2 = 11, P3 = 18, P4 = 23, P5 = 27
b) Round Robin
Response Time
P1 = 0, P2 =0, P3 = 0, P4 = 0, P5 = 0
Waiting Time
P1 = 16, P2 = 21, P3 = 22, P4 = 21, P5 = 15
Turnaround Time
P1 = 21, P2 = 29, P3 = 31, P4 = 28, P5 = 21
c) Shortest Job First
Response Time
P1 = 0, P2 = 3, P5 = 5, P4 = 13, P3 = 22
Waiting Time
P1 = 0, P2 = 3, P5 = 5, P4 = 13, P3 = 22
Turnaround Time
P1 = 5, P2 = 11, P5 = 11, P4 = 20, P3 = 31

Q3 703 please tell, why Waiting time and response time are the same in case of each algorithm???

My term paper topics are
Cs703: Shortest job first scheduling algorithm
Cs704: Role of visual stimulators for the teaching of computer architecture and organization
Share your term paper topics ......

Your topics are good enough, do work hard to fetch good marks. Good Luck...............My CS704 &CS716 have been approved by the authorities. Topics: CS704 - Role of Cache Memory Coherence in Shared Memory Architecture
CS716 - Congestion Control in Vehicle Ad-Hoc Network (VANET)- An In-depth Study
CS707 - Steganography - A Unique Way of Encryption (yet to be approved)

Question related to cs708, Assignment 2:
In the assignment 2, question 1 it is mentioned :
"Being part of the requirements engineering team of your software company, you are to visit a university who has employed your company's services for developing an "Online Examination Software" for the prospective students interested in getting admission in the university."
I can't understand this question clearly. Please clarify that for solving question 1(a), are we to employ each of the given knowledge acquisition techniques and prepare relevant information for making an online examination system or admission system? Thanks.

• SRE in Agile Software Process model.
• Software Requirements Elicitation modeling.
• Requirements Management.
• Software requirement prioritization.
• Organizational dynamics in SRE.
• Requirements modeling methodologies.
• Requirements re-usability.
• Any other research area relevant to SRE.
How to get research areas(topics) for any course...
1. Access ACM digital library. (I've provided the access method via snapshots in one of my earlier posts in this group)
2. Just search there by typing the course name. You will get full text papers on latest research topics for that course.
Best wishes for us all