CS703 - Mid Term Exam

Midterm paper CS 703 Operating system fall 2014
1)      20 MCQs
2)      Consider a variant of round robin where the entries in the ready queue are pointer to the PCB.
a)      What would be the effect of putting two pointers to the same process in the ready queue?
b)      What would be the major advantage and disadvantage of this scheme?
c)       How would you modify the basic RR algorithm to achieve the same effect without the duplicate pointers?
3)      Bounded buffer monitor program
4)      Three processes are sharing 4 resources of same type in system. Every process need 2 resources show system is deadlock free.
5)      Multithread solution on multiple kernel thread gives better performance than single thread solution on single process system. Under what condition this occurs.
6)      Micro kernel advantages and disadvantages
7)      Consider the following processes and their related information:
Calculate response time, Waiting Time, and turnaround time and draw the Gant charts for FCFS, Priority, and RR and Shortest job first.
Time quantum for RR is 1

OS Midterm paper (Total 7Q's):
Question 1:
MCQ's/ True and False (20 Parts)
Question 2:
A question about Microkernels.
If it improves performance.
Advantages/ Disadvantages.
Question 3:
A question related to scheduling
FCFS, SRT, RR, Priority scheduling
We were to tell response time, waiting time, Gantt charts for each. Which of the algo had least average waiting time.
Question 4:
RR, having 2 pointres to it's PCB in ready que.
How it it different from normal RR. How would u do it without pointers. What's the effect of this on the processes.
Question 5:
To write a pseudocode (something related to display, bounded buffering embeded in monitor)
Question 6:
Three processes sharing four resources. Each process can have at most 2 resources. We were to show that no deadlock occurs
Question 7:
Multi threads solutions with multi kernal threads have better performance than single thread on single processor system under what condition?